In accordance with the law n ° 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, our website makes information about our company available to the public.
Possibly modifiable, we therefore invite you to consult our legal notices as often as possible, in order to familiarize yourself with it frequently.
The site belongs to BYG INFORMATIQUE – SAS, whose head office is located at the following address : 13 rue d’Ariane 31240 L’UNION.
In accordance with its communication policy, the purpose of the site is to inform users about the services offered by BYG INFORMATIQUE, which then endeavors to provide precise information on its activity. However, inaccuracies or omissions may exist: the company can in no way be held responsible for any error on the site
The links directly or indirectly linked to our website are not under the control of our company. Therefore, we cannot ensure the accuracy of the information on these other websites.
The editorial content of the website belongs exclusively to BYG INFORMATIQUE. Any violation of copyright is punishable by Article L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, with a penalty of 2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.
By browsing the site, the user also accepts the installation of cookies, if any, on his computer.
Any collection of information on the website is done in the context of the needs related to the use of our platform, such as the form in the “contact” section.
BYG INFORMATIQUE undertakes not to transfer any information concerning users of the website under any circumstances.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the user has the right to access and rectify information concerning him, a right that he can exercise at any time by sending an email via the form in the “contact” section, or by sending a request by mail to the following address: 13 rue d’Ariane 31240 L’UNION.
Subject to French law, the website is governed by law n ° 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, article L.335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property and the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004.
BYG4lab is committed to fostering a culture of ethics and transparency. In line with the European Union directive on whistleblower protection, we provide a secure platform where you can report any conduct that violates regulations or our ethical principles, confidentially and, if desired, anonymously.
This channel is available to current employees, former employees, contractors, clients, and other stakeholders. All reports will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with the rights of the individuals involved.
Access the whistleblowing platform here.